The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
299 lines
;=C ! pop stack to memory - "store" n addr --
;=: !CSP save SP at CSP --
;=: # convert one digit of d1 to ASCII d1 -- d2
;=: #> end number formatting d -- addr count
;=# #BUFF total number of block buffers -- n
;=: #S process all significant digits of d1 d1 -- 0.
;=: ' find next input word in dictionary -- PFA
;=: ( begin a comment ended by ')' --
;=C (+LOOP) (LOOP) with increment on S1 n --
;=: (.") run time code for ." --
;=C+ (2ARR) 2d array addressing primitive n1 n2 addr1 -- addr2
;=C+ (2CARR) 2d byte array addressing primitive n1 n2 addr1 -- addr2
;=: (;CODE) run time code for ;CODE --
;=: (ABORT) error function when WARNING is -1 --
;=C+ (ARRAY) 1d array addressing primitive n1 addr1 -- addr2
;=C+ (BLKRD) block read primitive --
;=C+ (BLKWRT) block write primitive --
;=C+ (CARR) 1d byte array addressing primitive n addr1 -- addr2
;=C+ (CLOSE) close FCB, f is TRUE on error FCB -- f
;=C* (CR) console newline primitive --
;=C+ (CREATE) create file, f is TRUE on error FCB -- f
;=C (DO) run-time loop initialization n2 n1 --
;=C* (EMIT) console char. output primitive c --
;=C+ (FBLKRD) read n blocks from file FCB n -- f
;=C+ (FBLKWRT) write n blocks to file FCB n -- f
;=C* (FIND) dictionary search primtive a1 NFA -- [PFA b] f
;=C+ (FNAME) parse filename at addr using mode n FCB addr1 n -- addr2 f
;=C* (KEY) read console primitive -- c
;=: (LINE) convert a line/screen to addr/count l s -- addr count
;=C (LOOP) execution time loop code --
;=: (NUMBER) ASCII to binary conversion primitive d1 addr1 -- d2 addr2
;=C+ (OPEN) open FCB, f is TRUE if error FCB -- f
;=C+ (READ) read next record from file to addr FCB addr -- f
;=C+ (WRITE) write next record to file from addr FCB addr -- f
;=C+ (XOF) primitive compiled by CASE..OF n1 n2 -- [n1]
;=: * 16-bit signed multipication n1 n2 -- n1*n2
;=: */ scale n1 by the ratio of n2 to n3 n1 n2 n3 -- nquot
;=: */MOD scale n1 by the ratio of n2 to n3 n1 n2 n3 -- nrem nquot
;=C + 16-bit addition n1 n2 -- nsum
;=C +! add to a memory location n addr --
;=: +- apply the sign of n2 to n1 n1 n2 -- n3
;=:* +BUF advance addr to next buffer addr1 -- addr2
;=: +LOOP end of DO..+LOOP structure addr 3 --
;=: +ORIGIN word for accessing data in low memory n -- addr
;=: , compile n into the dictionary n --
;=C - 16-bit subtraction n1 n2 -- n1-n2
---------- 4TH-DISK.ASM
---------- 4TH-FILE.ASM
---------- 4TH-MAIN.ASM
---------- 4TH-SYSD.ASM
---------- 4TH-XTNS.ASM
;=: --> continue with next screen --
;=: -DUP duplicate the top number if it isn't 0 n -- n [n]
;=: -FIND search dictionary for next input word -- [PFA b] f
;=: -TRAILING adjust addr/n to avoid trailing blanks addr n1 -- addr n2
;=: . print a 16-bit number n --
;=: ." print the following string --
;=: .LINE type line n1 in screen n2 n1 n2 --
;=: .R print n1 right-aligned in n2 columns n1 n2 --
;=: / 16-bit signed division n1 n2 -- nquot
;=: /MOD 16-bit signed division with remainder n1 n2 -- nrem nquot
;=# 0 zero -- 0
;=C 0< test top of stack for negative value n -- f
;=C 0= test top of stack for zero n -- f
;=C 0BRANCH branch if f is zero f --
;=# 1 one -- 1
;=C 1+ increment the top stack item n -- n+1
;=C+ 1- decrement the top stack item n -- n-1
;=# 2 two -- 2
;=C 2! 32-bit store d addr --
;=C 2+ add 2 to the top stack item n -- n+2
;=C+ 2- subtract 2 from the top stack item n -- n-2
;=C 2@ fetch 32-bit number addr -- d
;=C 2DUP duplicate the top two stack items n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 n2
;=# 3 three -- 3
;=C : begin colon definition --
;=: ; end colon definition --
;=: ;CODE end colon compilation, start CODE --
;=C ;S end of screen or run time colon word --
;=C < test for top number > second number n1 n2 -- f
;=: <# begin number formatting --
;=: <BUILDS define compile time behavior --
;=: <nul> 0 in input: resets interpreter --
;=: = test top two items for equality n1 n2 -- f
;=: > test for second item > top of stack n1 n2 -- f
;=C >R push parm. stack to return stack n --
;=: ? print the value at addr addr --
;=: ?COMP issue a message if not compiling --
;=: ?CSP issue a message if SP <> (CSP) --
;=: ?ERROR issue error message m if f is TRUE f m --
;=: ?EXEC issue a message if not executing --
;=C+ ?FIRST search for first matching file FCB addr -- f
;=: ?LOADING issue a message if not loading --
;=C+ ?NEXT search for next matching file addr FCB -- f
;=: ?PAIRS issue a message if n1 <> n2 n1 n2 --
;=: ?STACK check if the stack is out of bounds --
;=C ?TERMINAL console status -- f
;=C @ push memory location to stack addr -- n
;=U+ @BLKRD CFA of function to read one block -- addr
;=U+ @BLKWRT CFA of function to write one block -- addr
;=?+ @BREAK CFA of function to get control on ^C -- addr
;=U+ @CR CFA of function to output newline -- addr
;=U+ @EMIT CFA of function to do character output -- addr
;=U+ @KEY CFA of function to do character input -- addr
;=: ABORT clear stacks and begin execution --
;=: ABS take the absolute value of n1 n1 -- n2
;=: AGAIN end of BEGIN..AGAIN infinite loop addr 1 --
;=: ALLOT reserve n bytes in the dictionary n --
;=C AND bitwise AND n n -- n
;=# B/BUF size of disk buffers in bytes -- 1024
;=# B/SCR number of disk buffers per screen -- 1
;=C+ B/SEC get bytes/sector -- n
;=: BACK compile a backward branch offset target --
;=U BASE current number base for i/o -- addr
;=: BEGIN starting point of looping structures -- HERE 1
;=# BL ASCII blank -- 32
;=: BLANKS fill n bytes at addr with blanks addr n --
;=U BLK current block, 0 if terminal -- addr
;=#+ BLK/DRIVE number of 1K blocks per drive -- n
;=:+ BLKRD read one block from disk to addr addr blk --
;=:+ BLKWRT write one block to disk from addr addr blk --
;=:* BLOCK get block n n -- addr
;=:+ BLOCK-READ read one block to addr addr blk --
;=:+ BLOCK-WRITE write one block from addr addr blk --
;=C BRANCH adds an inline offset to IP --
;=:* BUFFER assign an available buffer to block n n -- addr
;=C* BYE exit FORTH ? -- ?
;=C C! byte store - "see-store" b addr --
;=: C, compile a byte into the dictionary b --
;=# C/L characters per line -- 64
;=C C@ push byte location to stack addr -- b
;=: CFA convert a PFA to CFA PFA -- CFA
;=C CMOVE byte block move a1 a2 n --
;=:* COLD full initialization and restart --
;=: COMPILE compile the following word at run time --
;=: CONSTANT define a symbolic constant n --
;=U CONTEXT current vocabulary for execution -- addr
;=: COUNT prepare to type a string addr -- addr+1 n
;=:* CR output carriage return/line feed --
;=:* CREATE create a dictionary header --
;=U CSP temporary storage for Current SP -- addr
;=U CURRENT current vocabulary for definitions -- addr
;=:+ D&RCALC set drive/record for block n n --
;=C D+ 32-bit addition d1 d2 -- dsum
;=: D+- apply the sign of n to d1 d1 n -- d2
;=: D. print a 32-bit number d --
;=: D.R print d right-aligned in n columns d n --
;=: DABS take the absolute value of d1 d1 -- d2
;=C+ DATE! set system date n1 n2 n3 --
;=C+ DATE@ fetch system date -- n1 n2 n3
;=: DECIMAL set the current number base to 10 --
;=C DIGIT convert c to binary using base n1 c n1 -- [n2] f
;=C+ DISK set default drive to n, n2 is #drives n -- n2
;=? DISK-ERROR status of last disk operation -- addr
;=C+ DISK@ return default disk number -- n
;=: DLITERAL compile d to be used at run time d --
;=C DMINUS 32-bit two's complement d -- -d
;=: DO start of DO..LOOP structure -- HERE 3
;=: DOES> define run time behavior --
;=U DP top address used in dictionary -- addr
;=U DPL Decimal Point Locator -- addr
;=: DR0 set offset for drive zero --
;=: DR1 set offset for drive one --
;=? DRIVE disk drive last accessed -- addr
;=C DROP throw out top stack item n --
;=?+ DTA disk transfer address last used -- addr
;=C DUP duplicate the top stack item n -- n n
;=: ELSE optional part of IF..ELSE..THEN addr 2 -- HERE 2
;=:* EMIT char output c --
;=:* EMPTY-BUFFERS wipe out disk buffers --
;=C ENCLOSE text scanning primitive a1 c -- a1 n1 n2 n3
;=: END synonym for UNTIL addr 1 --
;=: ENDIF end of IF..ELSE..THEN structure addr 2 --
;=: ERASE fill n bytes at addr with 0's addr n --
;=: ERROR system error handler - n is line no. n -- [IN BLK]
;=C EXECUTE executes the word at CFA CFA -- ?
;=: EXPECT input up to n characters to addr addr n --
;=C+ FDEL delete file FCB -- f
;=U FENCE pointer to protected dictionary -- addr
;=C FILL fill n bytes at address with c addr n c --
;=# FIRST address of lowest disk buffer -- addr
;=:* FLUSH empty buffers, saving changed ones --
;=:* FORGET chop off the top of the dictionary --
;=: FORTH FORTH vocabulary header --
;=C+ FREN rename file addr -- f
;=: HERE next available dictionary location -- addr
;=: HEX set the current number base to 16 --
;=U HLD text pointer used in number formatting -- addr
;=: HOLD insert char in formatted output c --
;=C I leave index value -- n
;=: ID. print dictionary name field NFA --
;=: IF conditional branch structure -- 2
;=: IMMEDIATE mark the latest word to be executed --
;=U IN current character in input stream -- addr
;=: INDEX print line 0 of screens n1 thru n2 n1 n2 --
;=: INTERPRET outer text interpreter --
;=:* KEY char input -- c
;=C+ L! intersegment store operator n seg off --
;=C+ L@ intersegment fetch operator seg off -- n
;=: LATEST return the top NFA in CURRENT -- NFA
;=C+ LC! intersegment byte store b seg off --
;=C+ LC@ intersegment byte fetch seg off -- b
;=C LEAVE force loop exit --
;=: LFA convert a PFA to LFA PFA -- LFA
;=# LIMIT last available memory address + 1 -- addr
;=: LIST list screen n, as 16 lines of 64 chars n --
;=C LIT push an inline literal -- n
;=: LITERAL compile n to be used at run time n --
;=: LOAD interpret screen n n --
;=: LOOP end of DO..LOOP structure addr 3 --
;=: M* mixed multiplication n1 n2 -- d
;=: M/ mixed division d n1 -- nrem nquot
;=: M/MOD mixed unsigned scaler ud1 u -- urem udquot
;=C MATCH string search primtive addr1 n addr2 n -- f addr3
;=: MAX return the larger of two numbers n1 n2 -- n
;=#+ MAXBLOCK highest valid block number -- n
;=#+ MAXDRIVE highest valid drive number -- n
;=: MESSAGE type error message n n --
;=: MIN return the smaller of n1 and n2 n1 n2 -- n
;=C MINUS 16-bit two's complement n -- -n
;=: MOD 16-bit modulo division n1 n2 -- nrem
;=C+ MYSEG get FORTH's segment -- seg
;=:* NFA convert a PFA to NFA PFA -- NFA
;=: NOOP do nothing - no operation --
;=: NUMBER convert string at addr to 32-bit number addr -- d
;=U OFFSET number of lowest block to be used -- addr
;=C OR bitwise OR n n -- n
;=U OUT count of characters output -- addr
;=C OVER copy second stack item to top n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1
;=C P! 16-bit port output n port# --
;=C P@ 16-bit port fetch port# -- n
;=: PAD returns addr of the text output buffer -- addr
;=C PC! send byte to port b port# --
;=C PC@ fetch byte from a port port# --
;=:* PFA convert a NFA to PFA NFA -- PFA
;=? PREV pointer to disk buffer last accessed -- addr
;=?* PRINTER flag controlling printer -- addr
;=: QUERY EXPECT 80 characters to TIB --
;=: QUIT halt execution, reset interpreter --
;=C R top of return stack to parm. stack -- n
;=U R# current editing cursor location -- addr
;=:* R/W block read/write, f=1=write, f=2=read addr blk f --
;=U R0 return stack base -- addr
;=C R> pop return stack to parm. stack -- n
;=#+ REC/BLK number of disk records to fill 1 buffer -- n
;=?+ RECORD disk record last accessed -- addr
;=: REPEAT end of BEGIN..WHILE..REPEAT structure addr 1 --
;=C ROT bring the third stack item to top n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n1
;=C RP! reset return stack ? --
;=C RP@ push current RP onto parameter stack -- RP
;=C S->D convert a 16-bit number to 32-bits n -- d
;=U S0 parameter stack base -- addr
;=:+ SAVBUF saves buffer at addr if updated addr --
;=:+ SAVE-BUFFERS flush buffers but don't empty --
;=U SCR current screen -- addr
;=: SIGN places a '-' in output if n < 0 n d -- d
;=: SMUDGE make the latest definition unFINDable --
;=C SP! reset parameter stack ? --
;=C SP@ push current parameter stack pointer -- SP
;=: SPACE output a blank --
;=: SPACES type n spaces n --
;=U STATE current interpreter state -- addr
;=C SWAP exchange top two stack items n1 n2 -- n2 n1
;=: TASK word to mark the end of the dictionary --
;=: THEN synonym for ENDIF addr 2 --
;=U TIB Terminal Input Buffer address -- addr
;=C+ TIME! set system time n1 n2 --
;=C+ TIME@ fetch system time -- n1 n2
;=C TOGGLE toggle bits at a memory location n addr --
;=: TRAVERSE move across a fig-FORTH name field addr1 n -- addr2
;=: TRIAD list screens in groups of three n1 n2 --
;=: TYPE output n characters beginning at addr addr n --
;=C U* unsigned mixed multiply u1 u2 -- ud
;=: U. print an unsigned 16-bit number u --
;=C U/ unsigned mixed divide ud u -- urem uquot
;=: U< unsigned test for top > next item u1 u2 -- f
;=: UNTIL end of BEGIN..UNTIL loop addr 1 --
;=: UPDATE mark PREV buffer to be saved --
;=? USE pointer to disk buffer to use next -- addr
;=: USER define a user variable n --
;=: VARIABLE define a symbolic variable n --
;=: VLIST print the words in CONTEXT vocabulary --
;=U VOC-LINK pointer to top vocabulary -- addr
;=: VOCABULARY define a new vocabulary --
;=: WARM empty disk buffers and abort --
;=U WARNING switch for error processing: 0, 1, -1 -- addr
;=: WHILE conditional loop BEGIN..WHILE..REPEAT addr 2 -- HERE 4
;=U WIDTH maximum length of word names -- addr
;=: WORD get a word delimited by char to HERE c --
;=C XOR bitwise exclusive OR n n -- n
;=: [ suspend compilation to do calculations --
;=: [COMPILE] compile an otherwise immediate word --
;=: ] resume compilation after [ --i